National Population and Talent Division, Prime Minister’s Office

‘We, The Citizens of Singapore’ Travelling Exhibition


How do we inspire Singaporeans to reflect on their roles as citizens?

Highlight the value of our citizenship through citizens’ stories.

To celebrate our 50 years of citizenship, we conceptualised and designed an exhibition that presents citizenship in a way that helps people see it as a privilege as well as a choice, resonating with both existing and new citizens. The roving exhibition was brought to various community spaces, schools and Citizenship Ceremonies across GRCs in Singapore.

Exhibition Design & Space Messaging

To unpack quintessential national values and represent our core values and beliefs as citizens, we curated stories featuring Singaporeans from various walks of life, both citizens by birth and by choice alike. By capturing the different ways national values can be lived out, visitors see how the act of citizenship is ultimately, a collective commitment to a shared future. To give added context, the stories were grounded in the ideals expressed in the Singapore Pledge, demonstrating how individual experiences contribute to a larger effort in nation-building.

Logo design

The exhibition logo design was inspired by Singapore flag’s crescent moon and five stars. The logo motif, applied throughout the space design, extends the exhibition branding and aids visitors’ ease of recall.

Collateral design

We developed a brochure to guide visitors through the various clusters in the exhibition and drive them to the microsite to continue their exploration online. A tote bag was also designed for visitors to take home as memorabilia from the exhibit.

Microsite development

A complimentary microsite, which features a self-discovery quiz as well as the exhibition’s content was developed to enhance visitors’ experience


Print, Space
MPA Maritime Bus Experience
A*STAR@30 Coffeetable Book
Book Bugs: Rescuers of Stories Lost