Housing Development Board (HDB)

HDB Community Day


How do we showcase the spirit of neighbourliness in our society and inspire residents to do more for their community?

Spotlight the ordinary yet heartwarming interactions between neighbours.

As part of the Housing Development Board’s (HDB) Community Day event, which celebrates residents who go the extra mile to enrich the heartland living experience, we were tasked to conceptualise and develop a key visual, as well as adaptations and digital assets​,​ to accompany the event’s launch on HDB’s corporate site. Placing the focus on people in our heartlands, we chose to spotlight residents and stakeholders ​in order ​to capture, celebrate and encourage the everyday neighbourly interactions and bonding activities seen in HDB communities.

Design conceptualisation

For the key visual, HDB community interactions were placed in larger-than-life proportions at the foreground of the graphic to immediately draw viewers’ attention to the idea of a close-knitted community. This is further accentuated by the weaving in of visual elements in the midground and background ​that ​​to​ represent the infrastructure and community spaces we see in a HDB estate.


To make the landing page for the HDB Community Day event more visually impactful, we worked closely with the HDB team to develop a series of animated navigation banners that extracted core elements from the key visual. Optimised for both mobile and web ​​​viewing​, the banners integrate​d​ recognisable elements of HDB infrastructure with residential activities to form an interconnected scene that speaks of the vibrancy and community spirit we find in HDB estates.


Released as part of the content launch on HDB’s corporate site, infographics pay tribute to residents and dedicated volunteers, as well as feature winning communal projects that have enlivened neighbourhoods across Singapore. To bring across the idea of connectivity, the motif of a pathway was utilised to link up the various scenes of vibrant community spaces in a cohesive manner, creating a smooth reading flow for users.


We adopted an optimistic and inspiring tone in covering these stories to better highlight the human angle, and inspire viewers to do more for their own community in their own ways.


Print, Space
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