Nexus, Ministry of Defense of Singapore

SAF50@Vivo Exhibition


How do we get visitors in a busy mall interested in Singapore’s defence story?

Build multiple entry points that give visitors incentive to interact.

Situated in a busy mall, we designed the SAF50@Vivoexhibition with multiple entry points. This grabs hoppers’ attention and gives them incentive to engage from wherever they are. Anchored around story-clusters which pay tribute to the groups that make up our armed forces, the variety of stories appeal to visitors of all ages and of different interests.

Exhibition Design & Space Messaging

The exhibit encourages visitors to interact with it using a mix of physical and digital interactive displays. On the ground, ambassadors facilitated a simple task-and-redemption system which sparks meaningful engagement with visitors.

Collateral design

Working within the built environment of the mall, roaming patrons redeemed points for keepsakes from the exhibit, taking a piece of Singapore’s defence story home with them.


Print, Space
MPA Maritime Bus Experience
A*STAR@30 Coffeetable Book
Book Bugs: Rescuers of Stories Lost